Hi, I'm Luther!

I'm a fullstack developer with 20 years of experience. I also love drawing and writing.

Hopefully you'll find something interesting and useful here!

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.”
— Stephen King

About Luther Lowry

When I built my first web site in early 1995, little did I know that I was testing the waters of my future career. I intended to be a network administrator, monitoring systems, fixing computers, and working more at a hardware level. A friend and I even tried starting up a web development company later that year, but at the time, found it difficult to actually convince anything that this "internet thing" was actually the way of the future. In 1997, I joined Interactive Systems International in St. Rose, LA. I originally interned, learning about networking and administration while doing courier work for them to actually earn a few bucks. After a few months, I was told "you are now a programmer", and was moved to the programming department of the company and became a full time web developer.

Over two decades later, people are still trying to convince me that I'm a programmer.

So, I do full stack web development. I'm pretty good at it. I used to focus mostly on PHP and Wordpress development until I discovered the power of Javascript. I now mostly focus on Javascript development both on the server-side as well as client-facing. On the server-side, I focus on NodeJS/Express development as well as static page generation with tools like NUXT and Gatsby. On the client-side, Vue and SCSS are my tools of choice.

When I'm not doing development work, I'm an aspiring jack-of-all-trades. I try my hand at many creative endeavours including drawing and painting digitally, writing, and sometimes a little music as well. Spending time with my wife and pets, video games, movies, and television seem to fill up the rest of my hours.

Recent Projects

Here is a small sampling of some of the projects that I'm allowed to show.


Wrong Week

A single use site that pulls the latest use of "I picked the wrong week" based on the line from "Airplane".


Valet Quoting System

Quoting system developed for a local valet company's website.